
Hanging Laundry Photographs Help You Toss Your Dryer

Can Sivan Askayo’s photographs convince us hang dry our laundry? What if art had the power to change our habits for the (environmentally) better?  Could a photograph change governmental policy, or at the very least, some of our daily behaviors?  Artistic photographers have tried, and acclaimed photographer Spencer Tunick’s naked Dead Sea shoot this year […]


Tel Aviv Lifeguard Shacks To Become Tiny Pixel Hotels

Lifeguard shack on drummer’s beach in Israel is soon to be upcycled into a unique new boutique “pixel” hotel. We’ve heard of pixelated screens and buildings, but pixel hotels are a new phenomenon that started as an art project in Linz, Austria. Now these tiny hotels established in unusual, typically abandoned urban settings – whether […]


Go Green With Jordan’s New Environment Generation

We speak with Alisa Ananbeh, a student leader on the environment, on going green in Jordan. Around six months ago, Alisa Ananbeh took part in a US funded five-week programme to help young people from the Middle East deal with environmental problems. Just under twenty students from Gaza, Jordan and the West Bank travelled to […]


Shark Fin Soup Contributes to World Hunger

It’s not a stretch. Vanishing shark populations affect the food chain in a very concrete way. Karin’s post on shark meat’s high mercury levels made it clear: a bowl of shark fin soup is a  bowlful of poison. But a slower death awaits people who depend on healthy seas. That means all of us. Because  […]

Going Green Ends With Water from the Sea

Desalinated water is costly for Israel, and practically no one is talking about the hidden costs. Making drinking water from sea water has been touted as a solution for water shortage in the Middle-East and elsewhere. In southern Israel, near Ashkelon, a small pilot project has been pumping out 24 million cubic meters of fresh […]


Shark Fin Soup Can Give You Brain Damage

Gulf experts say that shark meat contains extremely high levels of mercury. The picture above depicts a deformed Japanese boy whose mother had mercury poisoning. If shark conservation isn’t your thing, and you are one of the people creating a worldwide demand for shark fin soup, think about this next time you slurp: filmmaker and […]