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The barrel sauna longevity hack

A recent study from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, has now shown that sauna together with exercise is a viable preemptive combination for improving cardiovascular health and lowering the risk of CVD. We suggest a barrel sauna.


Are Christmas tree chemicals toxic to humans?

NIST researchers placed a common type of Christmas tree in a sealed chamber for 17 days to monitor and measure the chemicals it emits. These chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) give that pine smell and can react with ozone to form byproducts. They found low amounts of these chemicals, which may be a potential concern for people who are sensitive to them.


Collagen Peptides Research in 2023

Collagen is a remarkably vital and versatile protein. Connective tissue relies on its fibrous structure. Connective tissue is widespread and plays an important role in the structure of bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and cartilage. It aids in making tissues robust and elastic so they can better endure strain. Collagen is a protein that exists inherently […]