
Fortnite to save old growth forests 

Epic Games, the online games kids will do anything to play (you know the names… Fortnite and Rocket League) –– even if they need to line up and play at the library computer –– has decided they will use company profits to help save an Old Growth Forest in North Carolina. 


Covid’s triple threat

Severe symptoms of COVID-19, leading often to death, are thought to result from the patient’s own acute immune response rather than from damage inflicted directly by the virus. Immense research efforts are therefore invested in figuring out how the virus manages to mount an effective invasion while throwing the immune system off course. A new […]


Smart reason to like mosquitos

Can a protein found in a mosquito lead to a better understanding of the workings of our own brains? Prof. Ofer Yizhar and his team in the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Neurobiology Department took a light-sensitive protein derived from mosquitos and used it to devise an improved method for investigating the messages that are passed […]