
Jerusalem Camel Abuse Caught on Camera

Cold, wet and utterly miserable, this is no “dancing camel” Regular Green Prophet readers have surely seen our articles on animal cruelty and abuse. They range from cruelty toward circus animals, to abuse towards animals in private and public zoos.   Cases of wild animals like cheetahs and baby tigers being kept as pets by jaded […]


The Arab Feminist Who Laid the Groundwork for Today’s Green Activists

A “green” Arab renaissance cannot be accomplished without the rise of women in Arab countries. Recently in Jordan, the Google image was of Middle Eastern intellectual, feminist and writer, the late May Ziyade.  Don’t you love peeling the evolutionary onion, seeing who came before to take us where we are today? A century ago, in a pre-digital world, ideas were exchanged […]


Celebrate Purim with Friendly Purim Baskets

The Jewish holiday of Purim begins this coming Wednesday night, the 7th of March. Fulfill the mitzvah of sending treats to your neighbors the green way. Purim celebrates the victory of the Jews over Haman’s “final solution,” in 356 BCE. It’s a deceptively childlike holiday. Families gather in the synagogue to hear the colorful Purim […]


Measure Your Water Footprint

Country data reveals that Syria, Lebanon and Iraq are potentially the only virtual water exporting countries in the Middle East. Get in the know about blue, green and grey water footprints. Following the previous article on measuring your Ecological Footprint, here we will focus on the Water Footprint. Let’s start with understanding the Virtual Water […]


Measure Your Ecological Footprint

When looking for country-specific environmental indicators, it is often difficult to find a single indicator that  holistically summarizes the environmental situation in a tractable and visual manner. This is the first part of two articles (the second one on your water footprint is here). Two interactive environmental info graphics will be explored to help you better understand what is […]


5 Things to Avoid to Keep Your Complexion Beautiful

When professional photographer Alex Tricani sent this image, I couldn’t get past the giant red craters on my face.  I’ve always been incredibly lazy about beauty. This isn’t because I don’t dream of being an illustrious goddess who rides into the sunset with an equally exotic suitor, but because tending to my mind and soul […]


5 Stories For a Freer, Greener Tunisia

We have collected five inspiring stories that point to the possibility of a freer, greener Tunisia   TIME Magazine paid allegiance to the brave hearted souls in the Middle East North Africa region who rose up against despotic regimes by naming “The Protestor” as their 2011 person of the year. Known now as the Arab […]