
Natural tea and beeswax sunscreen recipe

Now that the sun is out in full force, and you’ve tried this recipe for sugar wax, it’s time to up the ante and make a paraban-free, organic, and skin-nourishing sunscreen. Last summer 2020, The Wall Street Journal reports that chemicals in our sunscreen may be building up in our bodies faster than we thought, […]


Stuffed Mulberry Leaves With Chicken Recipe

Green Prophet’s editor Karin plucks mulberry leaves from her backyard and serves them to her family. Long ago, mulberry trees were planted all over the Middle East to feed silkworms. The cottage silk industries have died out, but many ancient mulberry trees remain. Strolling with Karin in her garden recently in Jaffa, I remarked that […]


Early Summer Tomato Jam RECIPE

Summer’s arrival brings out all kinds of fruit to simmer up into jam – including tomatoes. Tomatoes as jam? Yes, indeed, and delicious it is, too. I love to make up small batches of tomato jam when lots of different tomato varieties appear in the markets. In the full swing of summer’s harvest, when prices […]