
EcoMum’s 7 Focus Points for Green Parents

Busy moms can lose their “green” focus. Green Prophet’s EcoMum goes over 7 focal point tips to keep over-stretched moms on their “eco” pointe. It’s been a while since this EcoMum reported her tips on Green Prophet. I’ve been in my “mummy bubble” and from here I take it for granted that most people these […]


Can Eco-Playful Sabras Do Bamboo?

Israelis, as the saying goes, are like a cactus fruit, because they are prickly on the outside but sweet in the middle. We kind of think Israelis are like bamboo too: strong as steel but soft and smooth. (If you are into eco-chic, you’ll know why we are talking about bamboo.) Thanks to Designist Dream, […]


Manuella Design Dolls Never Run Out of Steam

We stumbled onto Designist Dream last week “where art and design and the Holy Land meet,” after the missus in the house gave Green Prophet such a warm welcome to the blogosphere. We’re already excited about some of the eco-relevant finds Designist Dream has dug up, and will be sure to report on some of […]