
Book Review: Strategy for Sustainability by Adam Werbach – A Primer for Third Wing Environmentalism or a Harbinger of the Black Swan?

I find it fitting and perhaps a little ironic that I was asked to write a review about Adam Werbach’s popular book, Strategy for Sustainability, a book addressed to corporations large and small about how they can operate as leaders in sustainability. Perhaps because  my senior thesis as an undergraduate English  major, was entitled “The […]


Polyamory and Sex Could Save The Planet, Author Argues

The Middle East is conservative. But could increased “polyamory” open people up to practices that could save the environment? At first glance, sex and the environment don’t make obvious bedfellows.  How can the answer to our environmental problems – global warming, access to fresh water, ecological sustainability, and the use of fossil fuels  – possibly […]


Alanna Mitchell Plunges Deeply In 'Seasick'

Alanna Mitchell’s new book, ‘Seasick‘ encompasses two and a half years of aquatic research over five continents. She has literally gone to the oceans depths to see and report upon the hidden ecological crisis of the global ocean. Reading it, a reader becomes profoundly aware of the oceans breadth, width and depth. Salient facts leap […]