
UN Sponsors Global Wet T-Shirt Contest!

It’s World Water Day today, relevant and necessary for the Middle East.  Well, not quite, but I got your attention. Raise an icy glass filled with clean water: it’s World Water Day. In 1992, the United Nations General Assembly declared each March 22 to be World Day for Water, raising awareness of water issues at local and […]


A Clarion Call for Sahel Drought Victims

World-renowned Sengalese musician Baaba Maal visits drought victims in Mauritania. Regardless of criticism or the fact that its narrator was arrested for disorderly conduct in San Diego, the Kony 2012 campaign video that recently “went viral” on social media networks has demonstrated that the masses can be called to action when invisible people from the […]


Bono Fixes the World the Jewish Way of Sukkot

Bono’s ONE organization advocates inviting hungry people into your sukkah this holiday time. Bono and Sukkot. These are two words that you have probably have never seen in the same article, let alone in the same sentence, but the U2 frontman is breaking ground by drawing connections between between important social causes and Jewish symbols. […]


Egypt Could Be On The Brink Of Famine

Egypt’s fertile lands fed the Pharoahs, but a new report throws into doubt whether it can feed today’s 85 million strong population. It is no secret to Professor Mohamed Kassas that desertification is one of Egypt’s greatest environmental threats. But the United Nations recently removed all doubt on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought […]