
Islamic Gardens Start a Green Muslim Movement

Can gardens really help promote environmentally friendly behaviour amongst the Muslim community? Mark Bryant from Cardiff University who researches Islam and gardens, says they can There’s nothing like being with nature to help clear your mind and when the weather is as lovely as it has been recently, who can resist spending a couple of […]


Consumerism, Ecology, and the Sabbath

Ben-Gurion researchers claim that Israel’s urge to shop will eventually force Shabbat laws to change.   This is a typical side street in the Yaffa flea market, Israel. From left to right, notice a charming second-hand shop that sells amusing things like the full-sized statue of a Roman gladiator. Blond tourists with cameras hanging from their […]


Christians Take on Carbon Fast for Lent

Among other eco-conscious Church leaders, the Archbishop of York has gone vegan and  fair-trade for the duration of Lent. Lent, the pre-Easter season of reflection and self-examination, began this year on February 22nd and finishes on Saturday, April 3rd. Believing Christians set aside time for prayer and religious acts. One  Lenten tradition is strengthening self-discipline […]


Celebrate Purim with Friendly Purim Baskets

The Jewish holiday of Purim begins this coming Wednesday night, the 7th of March. Fulfill the mitzvah of sending treats to your neighbors the green way. Purim celebrates the victory of the Jews over Haman’s “final solution,” in 356 BCE. It’s a deceptively childlike holiday. Families gather in the synagogue to hear the colorful Purim […]