
Plentiful rain not enough to grow the wheatfields of Syria

If you look to what was brewing before the Syrian civil war, it was clear that people there were suffering from the effects of climate change. Environmentalists warned that extended droughts there would cause hunger, poverty and unrest. The conditions were right about a decade ago for the poor conditions to foment to a very unfavourable civil war with millions of Syrians displaced to Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Europe and even Canada.


Basil Bread Recipe

My basil plant now wants to reproduce, flowering almost from one day to the next. To keep it from going leggy, I pinch off the flowering tops and harvest yet more leaves. My answer to the basil overflow problem is to bake green bread.


The Healthiest Diet In The World Is How Israelis Eat

Israelis, says research published by the University of Washington, enjoy the world’s healthiest diet. The study, Global Burden of Disease, was conducted by Dr Christopher Murray, Director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, and published in the UK medical journal The Lancet. It followed the diets of people in 195 […]