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  • Benjamin Joffe-Walt - The Media Line


New Jellyfish Species Tells a Tale of Global Warming

The new species, marivagia stellata, previously not known to science, doesn’t sting but is symptomatic of the environmental woes facing the Mediterranean Sea A new...

Natural Gas "War" Between Israel and Lebanon Could Lead to a "Drill Race"

Hezbollah’s stake in the “cleaner” natural gas wells at sea expose “government inefficiency, incompetence and corruption and the lack of adequate services in transportation, water,...

Are Iran Oil Sanctions Finally Kicking In?

As major oil companies pull out of Iran, analysts differ over the import of new economic sanctions. By all objective standards, this week Iran is...

Mecca Becomes Mecca for Drugs

Some drugs like pot, gat and hash are natural. But antidepressant drug abuse in Mecca, Saudi Arabia is causing social problems. Mecca province, home to...

Saudi Arabia Has the Highest Road Accident Death Toll in the World

Time to turn Saudi youth onto bicycling: video of dangerous stunts on the rise in young Saudi males who purposefully “drift” cars. An average of...
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