
Are Brazilian Blowouts Putting Kinks in Health?

More popular in the US than the Middle East, the Brazilian Blowout craze (with its chemicals) did make the headlines in Dubai. I’ve never understood the desire to chemically straighten one’s hair, perhaps because my wavy locks can go either way, and natural tricks for my hair type work just fine. Even so, many curly-haired […]


Can Air Con Fumes In Hot Cars Cause Cancer?

Have you received an email saying your car’s air con could kill you? The jury is still out until more scientific evidence comes in.  Car and home air conditioning units provide a cooler internal environment, and may also be a possible source of drinking water in emergency situations . But there is another side to […]


How Medicines Are Contaminating The Earth

A Tel Aviv University researcher has found that drugs are contaminating the earth in more complex ways than previously thought The dangerous implications of chemicals on our health and the planet entered the public consciousness back in the 1960’s, and was influenced (in part) by campaigners such as Rachel Carson whose groundbreaking book ‘Silent Spring’ […]