
Are Women The Globe’s Green Giants?

A growing body of research shows a split down gender lines when we make environmental choices. Men may be from Mars, but women are the greener creatures, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Women in industrialized countries buy most of the eco-friendly household products.  Women also load up on organic foods. […]


6 Ways to Make Your Conference Go “Green”

All conferences, regardless of their topic, are inherently unsustainable. International events with attendees and speakers from around the world often leave an enormous carbon footprint before they even begin, mostly due to guests’ air travel. And, when the events do begin, their operations often consume enormous amounts of energy and produce massive quantities of waste. […]


Clean Reusable Totes, Or Risk Going Green

Your reusable totes may be full of bacteria and can turn you seriously “green”. Time to practice good bag hygiene.  Researchers at the University of Arizona tested 84 reusable shopping totes and found over half were contaminated with harmful bacteria, including the dangerous E.coli. Contamination occurs when fluids such as fruit juices and meat blood leak […]


Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and Augmented Reality

Is augmented reality projections the new fireworks of the Middle East? We hope so To celebrate a wedding it is common for Middle East men to shoot guns into the air, with stray bullets eventually falling to the sky, killing wildlife and sometimes people. This still happens in Gaza and Jordan for instance, although authorities […]


Go Green With Jordan’s New Environment Generation

We speak with Alisa Ananbeh, a student leader on the environment, on going green in Jordan. Around six months ago, Alisa Ananbeh took part in a US funded five-week programme to help young people from the Middle East deal with environmental problems. Just under twenty students from Gaza, Jordan and the West Bank travelled to […]