
Refill Your Kettle

After your kettle has boiled and you’ve emptied it, before it cools down, add some water for next time. While the kettle is still hot. This takes advantage of energy you have already used and paid for, and will help the cold tap water warm up and so save energy next time you brew.


Making the Season Last: Tomato Confit Recipe

Tomatoes are still, mercifully, quite readily available. Though we hate to think about it, this won’t always be the case. In just a few short weeks, tomatoes—at least the good, locally grown varieties—will be gone on winter hiatus. It always seems to come too soon, and it always somehow seems to take us by surprise. […]


Crispy Carrots

Have you ever found that your carrots get limp and rot after a day or four, no matter what you do? If you peel/or wash them and keep them in a container of water at the bottom of your fridge they will stay for several weeks, even up to a month! This also works great […]


Keeping Your Greens

Have you ever had trouble keeping your spices longer than a day? If you leave them out they dry out, if you keep them in a bag they rot… what to do? You can keep your aromatics (leafy spices) and salad lettuce leaves fresh for longer by washing them, then wrap them is a paper […]