Protecting birds from powerlines in the Middle East

Many species of birds are threatened by chemicals, alterations in their environment, aircraft, and electrocution. Larger birds, in particular, are more prone to suffering electrocution because their body size and wingspan exceed the phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase distance. When the wings touch the line or ground component, the body forms a path through which an electrical […]


Butterflies “invade” Israel in a rare migratory swarm

Unusual winter rains in Israel give fuel to plants which feed millions of new “painted lady” butterflies They keep coming, thousands of them, in what appears to be a south-north migration flight. Coming coincidentally on the first day of Spring, this “invasion” of ‘Painted Ladies’ butterflies caught our eyes in southern Netanya, Israel as a […]


Syrian refugees list their tent on Airbnb

Take empathy to a new level by living just like a displaced person. A group of Syrian refugees advertised their camp tent as a rentable destination on Airbnb, offering intrepid travelers “scorpions, dehydration and broken promises”. They describe the Ritsona, Greece refugee camp, about 80 kilometers north of Athens, as “the most unique neighborhood in […]


Why Israel Is Wrong To Fear Climate Refugees

Experts are calling on Israel to completely enclose its borders with a barrier to keep out ‘floods of climate refugees’ Around two months ago, a small piece of research carried out by the University of Buffalo found that in environmental disasters, humans tend to make things worse. Rather than getting together to resolve issues, the […]