
World Breastfeeding Week Focuses on “Baby-Friendly” Policies

Billboard in Honor of World Breastfeeding Week, Sydney, Australia. The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) sponsored the 2010 celebration of World Breastfeeding Week on August 1-7. The theme, “Toward a Baby-Friendly World,” highlights ten steps to ensure success in breastfeeding. Breastfeeding reduces the rate of infant illness and mortality and protects mothers from post-partum […]


EcoMum’s 7 Focus Points for Green Parents

Busy moms can lose their “green” focus. Green Prophet’s EcoMum goes over 7 focal point tips to keep over-stretched moms on their “eco” pointe. It’s been a while since this EcoMum reported her tips on Green Prophet. I’ve been in my “mummy bubble” and from here I take it for granted that most people these […]

Biased Allergy "Milk Protein" Study Puts Babies at Risk

A new study suggests that introducing babies to milk before 2 weeks of age can prevent milk allergies later. “Lactavist” Hannah points out its flaws and dangers of such studies. For decades, the World Health Organization and medical associations around the world have recommended exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. […]

Breastfeeding baby in Hijab

Breastfeeding a baby is not only good for the baby, but can go a long way to “greening” Islam. If you are breastfeeding a baby, some Muslim American bloggers recommend buying a special coverup. Here in the Middle East, modesty among religious Christians, Moslems, and Jews is often associated with inhibitions about nursing in public. […]


Breastfeeding Conference for Health Care Professionals and Mothers

Breastfeeding is good for the environment and good for babies. To encourage and support breastfeeding in Israel, the breastfeeding support organization La Leche League (LLL) and Tel Hashomer/Sheba Medical Center Nursing School are co-sponsoring a conference Monday, June 1, 2009 at Tel Hashomer. The conference is open to health care professionals, nursing mothers, and the […]


Breastfeeding and Keeping Up With "Supply and Demand"

Breastfeeding involves no processing and no waste, and helps protect the environment, as we’ve been exploring here on Green Prophet’s breastfeeding series. Even though breastfeeding is a natural continuation of pregnancy and birth, mothers still worry about producing enough milk. An understanding of  how milk production works can help mothers avoid problems and know when […]


10 Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding Your Baby

Breastfeeding is a natural and “green” way for a mother to feed her baby. Yet  misconceptions about how to breastfeed and for how long pervade our modern world. These misunderstandings can lead to frustration and distress for the whole family during a challenging period. Green Prophet gives you 10 reasons to shatter any myths and misconceptions. […]


Formula should not be baby’s first gift

Soft drinks. Fast foods. Cigarettes. Companies that market these products are well-known for targeting children and teens in order to develop “brand loyalty.” But the campaign to capture the taste buds of future consumers begins even earlier–in the hospital nursery, where formula companies use aggressive methods to ensure that babies’ first taste of artificial milk […]