
Are Women The Globe’s Green Giants?

A growing body of research shows a split down gender lines when we make environmental choices. Men may be from Mars, but women are the greener creatures, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Women in industrialized countries buy most of the eco-friendly household products.  Women also load up on organic foods. […]


Will OECD Conf. Compel Israel To Solve Dead Sea Problem?

Before calling its tourism industry sustainable, Israel should first solve its Dead Sea problem. When Israel was invited to join the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) earlier this year, dissident voices condemned the move, citing its dubious human rights record. Israel’s contribution to science and technology sealed its inclusion in this elite group […]

Israel’s Polluters Face New OECD Rules

Israel’s entry into the OECD will mean more stringent pollution standards for industries, but it comes with a cost – especially for smaller businesses Frequently people argue that it’s pointless to curb one’s personal habits when the big industries are most at fault for driving up greenhouse gas emissions. What difference does it make if […]