The Importance of Your Instagram Bio

hanging out in a tree, woman on branch of large tree

What does your social media profile say about you? There is often a disconnect between soft eco business and the polluting corporate world. Choosing your profile photo can get your ideas and products noticed, or simply ignored.

Social networks are no longer limited to staying in touch with friends. More and more businesses are harnessing the benefits of Instagram, with different businesses approaching the platform in several ways.

Despite the focus of Instagram being picture-based posts, there is still a lot of other areas that need some attention, such as the bio.

Why Is the Right Instagram Bio Important?

Regardless of whether you are a business looking for brand awareness or you are a young professional looking to network with like-minded individuals, connections are easy to craft with the right bio.

A well-thought-out bio also ensures that customers are fully aware of what a business does, as well as understand the mission statement of the company. Bios also allow for website links, so it can be a great way of generating some traffic.

How Long is an Instagram Bio?

One of the trickiest aspects of an Instagram bio to contend with is the word count. Instagram bios are limited to 150 characters, so it may be necessary to draft your idea a few times beforehand.

Although the restrictions can be frustrating for some, it does allow you to deliver the concept of your brand clearly and concisely.

It is also worth noting that there are some ways to save space by using other elements of Instagram.

How to Create the Right Instagram Bio

Of course, to be able to enjoy the benefits of a well-crafted Instagram, we need to know where to start. Fortunately, some steps can be followed that not only ensures that you have a professional Instagram bio, but allows you to be found on the social network with ease.

Finding the right ideas for an Instagram profile is not always as straightforward as some would like but taking some time to consider how your profession or brand will interact with the platform allows for traffic to be obtained organically.

Use a Clear Profile Picture

The profile picture is one of the main attractions of your Instagram bio, so it is essential to get it right. Businesses and brands will often use a logo that is clear and delivers the essence of the company. Bloggers and industry professionals may prefer to use a suitable headshot.

The dimensions of an Instagram profile picture are 110 x 110 pixels, so not all logos will be a natural fit. If you have uploaded your logo and it cannot be seen clearly, then it may be worthwhile using an alternative logo which has been tailored for social networks.

Consider Your Keywords

Regardless of whether you are creating a website or a social network profile, keywords will be an integral part of the process. These are mostly what people search for online and can be used uniquely on Instagram.

The name field found within the Instagram bio is different from the username, so can be used to detail the business. For example, those operating a graphic design company may use “graphic design and marketing” whereas a cleaning company may use “professional residential and corporate cleaning.”

Using keywords that reflect the intent of the business means that the bio will appear in relevant search results.

Don’t Ignore Hashtags, But Don’t Overuse Them

There is nothing worse than an Instagram profile filled with hashtags, but this does not mean that they should be ignored. Instead, they need to be used in the right way.

Many people believe that filling their Instagram with hashtags in their bio, the more it will be shown, but this is not always the case. Much like the use of keywords, those crafting the perfect Instagram bio will need to use the most relevant keywords.

A bio can include up to 30 different hashtags, but it is advised to post a maximum of ten. Otherwise, the bio could begin to look spammy.

Make Use of a Business Profile

Even though some use their personal Instagram profile for business, using a business profile allows you to gain more trust with the community. An Instagram business profile will also allow you to enter a category for your business, which can free up more real estate in the bio section.

Another useful way of saving space in the bio section is to use the contact features. Instagram users can call, email and obtain directions to your business, without overburdening the wordcount within the bio section.

Link Other Instagram Accounts (If Applicable)

Many professionals will conduct their business from one Instagram account, whereas others may need to use several. In the latter instance, the bio of each Instagram should contain a link to other associated accounts.

An example of this could be a media website that offers content on different subjects, so uses different Instagram accounts for different sectors of the business.

Connected Instagram accounts can be easily linked used the @ followed by each account’s username in the profile.

Don’t Be Scared of Emojis

Understandably, the use of the emojis can be seen as unprofessional by some. However, people are more drawn towards businesses and brands that have a human element, and nothing conveys this better than the use of emojis.

Of course, you should not litter the bio with emojis as it may distract away from the other information but used in the right way emojis can help draw a crowd to your Instagram bio.

Review the Impact of Your Instagram Bio

Although some people may be fortunate enough to get their Instagram bio right the first time, there can be times when the original draft does not have the desired impact. It can take some time to find the sweet spot when creating an Instagram bio, so those that do not see results straight away shouldn’t be deterred.

Being able to recognise when a profile isn’t winning over the populous will help drive your profile forward and assist you in creating the perfect Instagram bio.

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Karin Kloosterman
Author: Karin Kloosterman

Karin Kloosterman is an award-winning journalist and publisher that founded Green Prophet to unite a prosperous Middle East. She shows through her work that positive, inspiring dialogue creates action that impacts people, business and planet. She has published in thought-leading newspapers and magazines globally, owns an IoT tech chip patent, and is part of teams that build world-changing products to make agriculture and our planet more sustainable. Reach out directly to [email protected]



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