CBD Isn’t Working? Eight Common Reasons Why & How To Fix It

cannabis powder and CBD oil

We all know that cannabis products may be a greener way to mitigate pain and health problems. But what dosage and when?

The CBD compound is currently the trendiest product that is positioned as a beneficial remedy for most physical and mental diseases and disorders. Scientific studies and numerous stories from CBD users tell about CBD as a cure-all component, which encourages more people to pay attention to CBD. However, when it came to your trial, there wasn’t any miracle? You can check out some of the leading platforms like www.cbdarmour.co.uk where you will get to know how CBD has helped others. Check out the following possible reasons why CBD product doesn’t work for you before you decide to give up on CBD treatment. 

Poor Quality Product

Considering the growing popularity of CBD, it seems like it is everywhere – from online brands to shelves of over-the-counter shops. The unfortunate truth is that some dishonest companies aren’t selling products that are claimed on their website or in stores. Concerning CBD, there is little to no federal regulations, and some companies take full advantage of this situation and add anything in a bottle and label it as “organic CBD”.

The best way to avoid fake products is to buy from sellers and companies that provide transparency. Next time you are planning to purchase a new CBD infused product, use these simple tips to make sure the product is high quality:

  • Certificate of analysis. Search for evidence of third-party laboratories results. Lab testing can confirm the validity of offered products and show how much CBD is in the composition;
  • False statements. Refrain from brands that claim to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose any disorders by using their products. Although CBD is a useful compound that has helped many people with various ailments, there is still not enough evidence to make such loud statements; 
  • Reputable source. Opt for brands with a professional and ethical approach to their business. Research history of a company, reviews, and its reputation on the market to make well-informed buying decisions.

Wrong Dosage

The correct dosage of CBD often causes a lot of confusion. Some people can be more sensitive to CBD and would notice the first positive effects almost immediately after intake and even from a lower dose. Starting with a lower possible dosage and building up gradually is a great method to understand how much CBD is needed to achieve your goals.

However, if you are subjected to chronic or severe disease, consider consuming a higher dose. Different health conditions require different amounts of CBD, including bodyweight, CBD concentration and individual metabolism that impact the CBD dose. 

Also, make sure to consult your doctor to determine the right amount of CBD considering your medical state and severity of the existing ailment.

Interaction With Prescribed Medications

CBD is usually a well-tolerated compound with a high safety profile. However, in the case of simultaneous intake, CBD can interact with specific medicaments and cause adverse effects or diminish the effects of either CBD or other medications.

CBD infused products can interfere with blood-thinning and chemotherapy drugs, sedatives, anti-seizure medications, and certain allergy medications.

Therefore, you should visit a physician or healthcare provider before using CBD if you are currently taking any prescription medication.

CBD Type

You might have seen CBD products like CBD isolates, broad-spectrum, and full spectrum goods on the market. A CBD isolate is a purified product that includes only CBD substance without other compounds naturally occurring in a hemp plant. Full-spectrum CBD products retain all cannabinoids from cannabis plants with small concentrations of the THC compound while broad-spectrum goods contain the same components but without THC. 

Some people can choose a CBD isolate with peace of mind that there is no THC in the composition. However, sometimes taking pure CBD won’t be enough to relieve the chronic conditions and receive a broad range of effects. Therapeutic benefits of the whole plant are higher than using only its parts due to the entourage effect of cannabinoids.

Improper Method Of Intake

Variety of CBD forms and product types offer different methods of using CBD infused products such as ingestion, sublingual, inhalation, topically, and even as an addition to food and beverages. Each way and product provides various onset times and influences how much CBD and additional components end up in your organism to achieve the needed results.

If you choose CBD edibles, they have to go through the digestive system before hitting the bloodstream, which decreases the amount of received beneficial effects. On the other hand, if you use oil sublingually (under the tongue), this method helps to improve bioavailability and deliver CBD right into your bloodstream for fast-acting effects. 

Try to experiment with the available methods of consumption to find a suitable one to relieve acute symptoms and fulfil your needs.

Unrealistic Expectations

Several CBD users believe that cannabidiol will cure all disorders and diseases. No doubt, CBD is an effective remedy with a vast amount of advantages and healing properties. It can help to manage various symptoms, including pain, anxiety, depression, inflammation, and others. However, CBD isn’t the key that can fit all the locks, and it won’t offer all the benefits you have imagined.

Severe Medical Condition

In case you have an undiagnosed medical condition or an unknown illness that CBD can’t help, such remedy isn’t a solution.

Also, these problems can get worse if you don’t take the proper medications or receive the right treatments for the illness, which is recommended by a doctor.

Giving Up Too Early

Being tolerant and consistent over time of CBD treatment is key to a full experience of the positive effects and effective relief from various diseases as well as managing chronic symptoms.

CBD works by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors of the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for essential functions and helping the organism to reach homeostasis. That’s why it can take some time, patience and consistency for the body to respond and for you to notice first improvements.


CBD doesn’t work for everyone equally and can’t help with every issue, yet it can be helpful in many cases. It might take some time for CBD to activate and for you to find the ideal dose. 

Being tolerant and consistent over the whole time of CBD treatment can help to experience all the positive effects and receive needed relief from various diseases and chronic conditions.

With the right dosages, suitable methods of intake, preliminary doctor visit and several days, or weeks of using CBD, you are more likely to notice a difference in your system. Many medicaments work this way, and you don’t need to rush and give up on CBD after one use.

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Bhok Thompson
Author: Bhok Thompson



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