Could global warming trigger new ice age?

ice age in the city

The Wrath of global in arid regions like the Middle East is a major issue affecting present day life on earth.

Global warming has also been attributed to unusual “polar vortex” cold spells which have occurred the past few winters in both North America and northern Europe; with unusual weather felt in the Middle East as well.

Scientists who study global climate patterns are now talking about the possibility of global cooling, and they have written about local cooling on Forbes. It’s a cooling change so pronounced that it could result in a “mini ice age” like the one that put much of Europe into the deep freeze from 1250 to 1850 CE.

This global cooling cycle created periods of unusually cool summers, causing a severe famine in 1315-1317.

It also resulted in the Norsemen abandoning their colonies in Greenland.

Contrary to theories that present day global warming trends have been greatly influenced by humans some climatists now believe that man-caused elevations of carbon dioxide emissions are not the main cause of our current climate change problems (human emissions of CO2 are only 4 to 5% of total global emissions).

Changing ocean current patterns  as well as “solar cycle” changes (particularly sunspots) are said to result in cyclable bouts of colder climate patterns.

These change patterns result in longer, more severe winters and shorter, much cooler summers; which have severe impacts on annual food production.


Our planet was a much warmer place in prehistoric times; which allowed such creatures as giant amphibians and reptiles to flourish.

Severe climatic changes such as dramatic ocean current shifts, as well as changes in CO2 concentrations may be what resulted in the demise of the dinosaurs; and not some cataclysmic event like the earth being struck by a giant asteroid.

An article originally published in 2008 by the Global Research Centre on Globalization states that increased amounts of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere could cause global warming of 1° F per decade and 5-6° C (10-11° F) by 2100.

However, the article continues that “historic records of past natural cycles suggest global cooling for the first several decades of the 21st century to about 2030.”

According to these findings, the earth has gone through alternate periods of global warming and global cooling; due to a number of factors. These include alternating changes in the Pacific Ocean’s Decadal Oscillation (PDO)  that shifts between warmer “positive” phases and cooler or “negative” phases.

This PDO oscillation alone resulted in several global periods of fluctuating temperature cycles in the 20th century.

Judging from how the Middle East has fared recently from the wrath of global warming, some cooler and wetter climate changes would be welcome over what this region has experienced the past two decades. As for other parts of the world, especially North America, cooler and wetter weather would be beneficial as well. Cooler, but not too cool.

Read about issues dealing with global warming and cooling:

Will the Polar Vortex “Dip” Freeze the Middle East?

 Oceans Siralling Downward; Threatening Life on Earth
The Wrath of Global Warming and the Middle East

Ice age in the city from Shutterstock

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Maurice Picow
Author: Maurice Picow

Maurice Picow grew up in Oklahoma City, U.S.A., where he received a B.S. Degree in Business Administration. Following graduation, Maurice embarked on a career as a real estate broker before making the decision to move to Israel. After arriving in Israel, he came involved in the insurance agency business and later in the moving and international relocation fields. Maurice became interested in writing news and commentary articles in the late 1990’s, and now writes feature articles for the The Jerusalem Post as well as being a regular contributor to Green Prophet. He has also written a non-fiction study on Islam, a two volume adventure novel, and is completing a romance novel about a forbidden love affair. Writing topics of particular interest for Green Prophet are those dealing with global warming and climate change, as well as clean technology - particularly electric cars.



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