Three "Natural" Masks and Cleaners For Soothing Summer Skin

crocodile-skinDoes your skin sometimes feel as cracked and scaly as this? Well there are some natural “mask” solutions, naturally. Image via

If you pay attention to the ingredients of your skin products, you will realize that you are buying something twice the ordinary price because it is especially designed for summer. Then there are those products out there, which claim to be 100% natural, but if you take a peek at the ingredients, you are in for a surprise. Well there are some other homemade completely natural options (like Karen pointed out earlier today with her homemade sunscreen recipe), which can save your skin.

Before I came to the Middle East, I never had problems with skin. Now all of a sudden not only do I find myself needing extra tips on hair care, but my skin is also demanding extra care. This can be expensive, but luckily, there are several things you can do to help your skin, using ingredients you probably have in your kitchen.

1. An active mask to sooth your skin

This recipe will relax your skin and in summer when it is so easy to burn your skin can do with a little relaxing. If you take care of yourself, and you don’t burn, well this recipe can help prevent peeling, dryness and flakiness.

½ a medium cucumber
150ml mineral water
1 packet of peppermint tea
60ml aloe vera juice


  1. Using filtered water, make the peppermint tea and allow it to steep for 3 minutes
  2. Puree the cucumber and combine it with the tea.
  3. Add the aloe vera juice and shake well
  4. You then apply this directly to your face

This mixture is easy to mix up so it is better to make it fresh. You can keep the same mixture for up to 3 days in the fridge but after that, it is better to make up another batch.

drop of milk
Sometimes a simple drop of milk is the key! Image via AMagill

2. Milk is the cleanser key

What you need here is organic full fat milk, to be used as a natural cleanser. All you have to do is, using a cotton ball soaked in milk, wipe your face and you will find that this will leave your skin refreshed and glowing.

Not only this but you can also safely rub milk over your eyes to remove any excess make-up without worrying about any burning after effects.

There is no need to wash off the milk. However if you prefer to rinse your skin after, try using plain yoghurt, with no additives. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse. To give your skin an extra treat, try adding some honey to the yoghurt.

Honey has many uses, and when applied to skin along with yoghurt, it makes a fantastic antibacterial cleanser.

3. Tomato mask for healthy skin

We know tomatoes are amazing inside the kitchen, but outside this fruit, which is full of Vitamins A and C can also be put to good use. The natural acids in tomatoes help get rid of dead cells, shrink pores and tone your skin.

1 very ripe tomato
Plain yoghurt

1. Puree the tomato and then strain it through a cheesecloth so you are left with only the juice.
2. Add an equal amount of yoghurt to the juice and mix
3. Using soft cloth or cotton wool, dab this mixture onto your face, once a day for ten minutes. Then rinse.

Whatever you don’t use can be kept in the fridge but like all natural facemasks, it can only be kept for a few days, in this case 2 days. Seeing as the ingredients are so handy, it won’t be tough to make a new batch.

Now you have no excuse to neglect your skin, these ingredients are fresh, 100% natural and easy to find. Scaly summer skin, is now a thing of the past.

Read more on natural ways to use herbs and plants :
4 Unique Aloe Vera Juice Recipes for Summer and Health
Cloves In and Out of the Kitchen

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Naomi Ben-David
Author: Naomi Ben-David

Naomi interned at Green Prophet during the summer of 2010. She grew up in Australia with a chiropractor mom who introduced her to various forms of alternative medicine. Her mother was forever pointing out the healthy food choices in the supermarket, or attempted to make it from scratch at home in order to avoid the preservatives and additives in the food. Naomi’s mother’s influence has stayed with her, impacting the food and medical choices she makes to this day. She is currently pursuing a career in writing.



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