Buy Local

garden produceFor the most part it’s usually better to buy local. This cuts out the emissions created as a result of shipping, getting the product to your door.
This is an important question: Is it better to buy biodegradable garbage bags that are manufactured in China? Or go with the one’s made a block away, that aren’t shipped around the world?
Keep this in mind when buying local; but for the most part, it’s best to cut out as much transportation as possible. Visit a farmer’s market nearby. Ask the vendors where they get their produce from. Another good source for finding locals is your neighborhood health-food store. Often you can find the inside scoop on where to get what.

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Jack Reichert
Author: Jack Reichert

As far back as he can remember Jack Reichert has been interested in the environment. In the second grade, he rallied all of his classmates to donate one recess a week to cleaning up litter from the schoolyard. That was the same year that a city councilman asked him to help with his campaign because of the letter Jack had written asking him to clean up Boston Harbor. Ever since Jack has followed the development of the international green conscience with anticipation and hope that one day we will treat Mother Earth with the respect she deserves and not turn her into another Giving Tree. For tips, feedback and prophet sightings, Jack can be reached at jack (at) greenprophet (dot) com.



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2 thoughts on “Buy Local”

  1. Good point! I hope the updated post is more helpful. If you have any good sources we’d be happy to hear about them!

  2. Safranit says:

    You are too general…of course we should buy local, but what does that mean? How do I know where my food products/cleaning products come from? How do I know where my bags come from?

    If this is supposed to be an Israeli site, please give us appropriate information for Israel.

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