Ahava is Good For the Skin, But What About the Dead Sea?

Ahava Dead Sea

Within the realm of cosmetics, Ahava certainly holds a certain respect. Founded in 1988, the Israeli company exports its skin-enriching products, infused with minerals from the Dead Sea, to over 30 countries around the world.

On its website under the Environmental Responsibility tab, Ahava writes that “the Company’s activities are undertaken with a view towards preserving the pristine environment and delicate balance of the natural forces in the Dead Sea region.” 

Is this true?

To give Ahava some credit, their products are enclosed in recyclable containers and are not tested on animals for research. That’s always a good thing. But there is a bigger, more important issue here.

The Dead Sea, where Ahava harvests its minerals, is fragile territory, reducing in height by as much as one meter a year. Sure, Ahava claims to “take what is strictly needed” for its products, but how can we be certain that their business practices are environmentally conscious? 
I think the company should show its own ahava (love, in Hebrew) for the environment by publishing more substantial information about the eco-aspects of its business practices. What do you think? 

This Green Prophet guest post was contributed by Alan Perlman.

Green Prophet has covered the Dead Sea region and its problems in depth. For more reading, start with:
Controversial Dead Sea- Red Sea Canal on Hold, Why?
Israel-Jordan Peace Canal: Route to Environmental Disaster?
Regional Environmental Hazards and the Red Sea- Dead Sea Peace Conduit

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6 thoughts on “Ahava is Good For the Skin, But What About the Dead Sea?”

  1. I agree with you #2 and #3 comments. The Dead Sea offers 100% pure, natural salts mud, loaded with minerals. Unfortunatley, we do not all live in the Middle East Country of Israel so we need the salts and mud imported to not only benefit body skin and hopefully— youthfulness, but also general health issues which has lead to certain individuals healing.
    The import shipments of the salts and muds also in return helps the Country of Israel. The future of The Dead Sea is in much bigger hands than ours. God Bless.

  2. The Dead Sea is not a normal sea it looks like a lake with mixture of salts and minerals and it is lowly lying region in our planet. Researchers have extorted minerals like Calcium, Potassium and Bromide and prepared them into products which will be a substitute to the minerals and nutrients that we lost from our body due to bathing and too much pollution and dust which make our skin parched and peeling. So the Dead Sea beauty products are like soaps, oils, bath lotions, oil burners, etc. This will help you to rejuvenate the skin and makes it smooth and look youthful.

  3. I think that the problem with cosmetics are just the small story. The big problem are the fertilizer and chemical companies, Dead Sea Works on the Israeli side and similar companies on the Jordanian side.

  4. I whole heartedly agree with you. Although I want to support Israeli businesses, I am concerned that shipping the products of the Dead Sea out to the whole world are going to use up the limited resources in a short period of time. As much as I would love to buy their products, I won’t until and unless I have a better sense that doing so isn’t going to destroy the Dead Sea region before my grandkids get to enjoy it.

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