
Kuwaiti Kills Wolf and Then Shows Off

Some people make collages of family pictures, but a group of friends in Kuwait compiled these images after killing a wolf with a shotgun. In response to yesterday’s post about the only two countries in the Middle East that offer wolves any kind of legal protection, a Kuwaiti reader forwarded a link to a story […]


25 Shark Species In Persian Gulf Need Urgent Protection

Reef sharks in the Gulf are especially vulnerable without sanctuaries to ensure their protection. Red Sea sharks are threatened by Yemenese poachers who sell their fins to Asia for a fit price. But it turns out that Persian Gulf shark species are also vulnerable. So much so that conservationists have advised regional environmental groups and […]


Interpol Gets Tough On “Green Crimes”

No more Mr. Nice Guy! Interpol intends to step up regulation of illegal wildlife trade and other environmental crimes. What eventually became The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) began with fits and starts in the early 20th century. Then the Nazis and disturbing fellows like Reinhard Heydrick, Chief Executor of the “Final Solution to the […]