
Lebanon Carpet Fire Causing More Atmospheric Pollution

Black plumes go airborne from burning Byblos Carpet Factory fire in Lebanon. Lebanon has had more than its share of various air and surface pollution issues in recent years. Some of these issues have included dumping loads of garbage straight into the Mediterranean; as well as a giant garbage mound in Sidon that is so […]


Tire Fire In Kuwait Seen From Space

A fire which broke out in a Kuwaiti tire dump last week could be seen from space Kuwait hardly has a green reputation (in fact, it’s been pretty obstructive in global efforts to set emission targets) but recent events have definitely undermined what left of its eco credentials. As well as shocking stories of animal […]

Evergreen Supertanker Arrives In Israel To Fight Carmel Fire

[youtube][/youtube] A private American company has sent the world’s largest firefighting plane to help Israel fight the Carmel fire. The international community has poured out assistance to Israel as it struggles against the worst fire on record. Turkey, Greece, the United States, Russia and Britain are among thirteen nations that have demonstrated their support. As […]