
Hydroponics in the house in Qatar!

Qatar – the tiny desert nation known for sinking millions into futuristic follies like artificial clouds and underwater TV studios – has come down to earth with a plan to grow up to 70 percent of its own vegetables by 2023. Currently under 16 percent of their veggies are locally grown. “Cutting edge technology” will […]


Car drifter king goes to prison in Saudi Arabia

If you've never been to a Gulf-region country - be prepared to scratch your head over the deadly past-time called drifting. The idea is to take your cars out of their carports and then drive your car as fast as possible on the highway, slam on the breaks and then attempt to frighten onlookers and fellow drivers on the road by drifting or sliding your car towards them. People sometimes get killed or badly injured.


Graphene nanotechnology makes desalination 100 times more efficient

Engineers at Lockheed-Martin recently developed and patented a molecular filtration membrane called Perforene which can desalinate seawater using only 1/100th the energy of the best existing desalination systems. Perforene is made from graphene, the exciting new nanomaterial which comes in the form of one-atom thick sheets of carbon atoms. Like an overzealous nanotechnology, graphene seems […]


فيروس الإيبولا ينتشر في أفريقيا و يهدد السعودية

يعد انتشار وباء الإيبولا في غرب أفريقيا الأسوأ من نوعه بحسب منظمة الصحة العالمية وذلك بعد حصده أكثر من ألف روح، و هنالك مخاوف من انتشاره من منشأه في الغرب الأفريقي إلى مناطق أخرى، بما فيها الشرق الأوسط ظهر هذا الفيروس بداية في ثلاث دول، و هي غينيا و ليبيريا و سييراليون، حيث حاولت المنظمات المعنية […]