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  • Tal Ater


American-British Relations Take a Direct Hit from BP Debacle

Anti British Rhetoric Placing the two Nations on a Collision Course As the White House starts crunching the numbers behind the costs of BP’s Gulf...

More Cities Join Ban on Pet Sales. Euthanasia Down by 35%!

More cities banning the sale of pets in stores, in effort to curb puppy mills and encourage adoption from shelters. As city shelters are buckling...

BP to Begin Testing Waterworld Invention on Gulf Oil Spill

Testing to begin on device developed by Kevin Costner and Brother to separate oil from water In their desperate search for a way to clean...

Green LEGO? Build Futuristic Solar Cars and Wind Powered Robots

Get your kids to build tomorrow’s solar power plant or wind turbine, with LEGO. LEGO, makers of timeless bricks of wonder, continue their welcome advance...

NASA Abandons Flying Cars for Greener Flight with a $1.5m Prize for Green Plane Innovation

Last month, after my search for green innovation in aviation turned up empty, I proposed that the aviation industry needed its own Steve Jobs to...

Ford To Replace Spark Plugs With Freakin’ Lasers by 2011

In a move that is sure to be a stepping stone to the flying car, Ford is currently testing a new type of laser ignition...

Looking for Green Innovation at the Paris Air Show

With the aviation industry reeling from increasing fuel costs, dipping profits and those pesky upcoming environmental regulations, airlines are scrambling to become more efficient, cut...

Best quotes from Jaime Lerner about sustainability

There is little in the architecture of a city that is more beautifully designed than a tree.

When your pets help you recycle

Most of us (I hope) recycle all the plastic bottles we use. But do you also recycle the many other small plastic containers you use...
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