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  • Naomi Ben-David


Keep Your Arteries Clean With These Dietary Tips

How much fatty food is in your diet? Could be time for a change. There are many issues with food that people are aware of,...

Nightshades: Vegetables To Be Careful With

Have you ever thought of a potato as possibly harmful? Along with tomato and eggplant it has that potential What do tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and...

4 Reasons to Make Yoghurt Part of Your “Culture”

What could be more refreshing and healthy than a bowl of fresh fruit and yoghurt? Many people have stressful jobs that leave them little time...

7 New Ways to Use Lemons

Most people consider citrus fruit, such as lemon, a delicious seasoning when it comes to flavouring a salad (like tomato coriander salad), however these fruit...

Some Reasons You Should Make Time for Breakfast

The great breakfast spread; it not only looks fantastic, but it is also a healthy way to start your day. Waking in the morning and...

To Meat or Not To Meat – The Question of Vegetarianism or Cheatarianism

Do you eat meat on the sly, but call yourself a vegetarian? If so, you might be a cheatarian. Vegetarians, vegans, vegawarians, carnivores; these may...

Another Name for Sugar – High Fructose Corn Syrup

Would you think that this healthy vegetable could be converted into something unhealthy? When glancing at a list of ingredients, many of the words are...

Organic Honey versus Mass Produced?

The honey bee chooses the flower, which changes the flavour of the honey. Which honey do you choose? The Jewish New Year, otherwise known as...

The Hidden “Natural” Sugar in Your Food

A list of ingredients is often full of long, complicated words when all you really want to know is: “How much sugar is in this?”...

5 Tips to Save You Time and Energy in the Kitchen

Do you smile when you walk into your kitchen or does it make you frown? Maybe it is time to change your kitchen into a...
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