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  • Alex Gutman


Floating With Spencer Tunick to Save the Dead Sea

A personal account of celebrating the Naked Sea event anniversary last Thursday night. In September of last year year Spencer Tunick came down to the...

How Israel’s Tent Cities Influenced Occupy Wall Street

Inspired by the Arab Spring this past summer, Israelis from a rainbow of different ethnicities, political leanings and backgrounds banded together to form a protest...

5 Free and Cheap Apps to Save the Planet

We’ve written a book on how to write to save the planet. Now for those of us who aren’t blogging or writing, but who are...

Bono Fixes the World the Jewish Way of Sukkot

Bono’s ONE organization advocates inviting hungry people into your sukkah this holiday time. Bono and Sukkot. These are two words that you have probably have...

Sukkot, the Jewish Environment Holiday

This week marks the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Jews will build small huts and live in them for a week. Sukkot, also known as the...

Jews Judged for Water on Sukkot

As the Jewish holiday of Sukkot approaches, it is only natural for us to reflect on the state of the planet’s health and well being....
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