Worm Composting to Rejuvenate Your Plants and Earth

vermiculture worm compostingThis little critter, the common red worm, is a natural organic composting machine

Composting for improvement of houseplants and gardens and made in your backyard or even in your own living room  is a subject covered frequently in Green Prophet. Composting equipment can cost as little as ten dollars  for a vegetable compost bin  or by the help of a new turbo composter that makes home composting easier by shortening the compost processing time needed to make the finished product. An even more unique way to produce excellent organic compost from vegetable matter is to enlist the help of a creature that inhabits many gardens and is a natural born compost maker.

Known as the common red worm (eisenia fetida)  these creatures can eat their way through a large amount of organic waste matter, especially vegetable wastes from your kitchen such as vegetable and fruit peels, tea bags, leftover bread, leftover cereal, coffee grounds and paper coffee filters. The process of worm induced composting is called vermicomposting and simply involves setting up a worm bed or box  with a few hundred red worms and continuously adding waste matter to the box and letting the worms do the actual work.

The composting work these worms can do is truly amazing; and one average size red worm can “recycle” half a kilogram of household vegetable waste per day ! The worm excrement or castings is high in micro-nutrients and various trace elements that are good enriching the soil and providing essential nutrients for plants. Worms are sensitive to both light and temperature; so make sure the worm bin is away from light and kept at a temperature of between 55 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit (13 – 25 Celsius).

When removing the castings from the worm bin, be careful to make sure the worms are not injured or removed as well. Red worms or their European equivalent, European night crawlers, live about a year are are very prolific. Although they are bisexual, two worms are needed to “tango” and produce other worms which is form fertilized egg pods.

In the Middle East, these worms can be found in well watered gardens, or places that are damp enough for them, such as forests, well irrigated agricultural areas, livestock yards, etc. A small worm bin in your house or apartment should produce enough organic worm poop castings to keep your garden and house plants well fertilized for a minimal cost.

::National Geographic

Read more on composting for home and gardens:

Make Your Own Compost Bin With Mesopotamian Bricks

Israeli Turbo Composter Makes Home Composting Easy

Make Compost in Your Living Room

Make Your Own Vegetable compost Bin for $10

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Maurice Picow
Author: Maurice Picow

Maurice Picow grew up in Oklahoma City, U.S.A., where he received a B.S. Degree in Business Administration. Following graduation, Maurice embarked on a career as a real estate broker before making the decision to move to Israel. After arriving in Israel, he came involved in the insurance agency business and later in the moving and international relocation fields. Maurice became interested in writing news and commentary articles in the late 1990’s, and now writes feature articles for the The Jerusalem Post as well as being a regular contributor to Green Prophet. He has also written a non-fiction study on Islam, a two volume adventure novel, and is completing a romance novel about a forbidden love affair. Writing topics of particular interest for Green Prophet are those dealing with global warming and climate change, as well as clean technology - particularly electric cars.



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One thought on “Worm Composting to Rejuvenate Your Plants and Earth”

  1. Maurice says:

    It’s surprising that more haven’t shared or responded to this idea, as in my opinion it is no less important that growing herbs at home – which many do (including myself) already.

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