Good Ol' Home Cooking…

Packaged food is becoming more and more predominant in our society. The busier we get the more we look for instant solutions. The problem is that pre-cooked/store bought foods are not only less healthy for you than home cookin’ but it’s bad for the whole planet as well. Eat one more meal in. Take the extra minutes to cool a wholesome meal. And you won’t only reap the benefits, but the whole planet will as well!

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Jack Reichert
Author: Jack Reichert

As far back as he can remember Jack Reichert has been interested in the environment. In the second grade, he rallied all of his classmates to donate one recess a week to cleaning up litter from the schoolyard. That was the same year that a city councilman asked him to help with his campaign because of the letter Jack had written asking him to clean up Boston Harbor. Ever since Jack has followed the development of the international green conscience with anticipation and hope that one day we will treat Mother Earth with the respect she deserves and not turn her into another Giving Tree. For tips, feedback and prophet sightings, Jack can be reached at jack (at) greenprophet (dot) com.



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One thought on “Good Ol' Home Cooking…”

  1. Ben-Yehudah says:


    Thanks for the tip, Jack!

    Don’t forget your own bags from home to carry your groceries.

    Also, even it irritates the checker or the shall owner at the shuq, there is no need to separate your onions from your cucumbers with the additional waste of more plastic or paper bags.

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